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Clearing Account Balance Before Deleting Your Account

In our commitment to providing a seamless and secure experience for our users, we’re constantly updating and refining the features of the KUARIO app. Today, we’re excited to announce a new update regarding the process of deleting your KUARIO account.

What’s New?

With the latest update, users who wish to delete their KUARIO account will now need to clear their account balance before proceeding with the deletion. This step ensures that all financial transactions and obligations are settled before closing the account permanently.

Why the Change?

The decision to implement this update stems from our dedication to maintaining transparency and accountability within our platform. By requiring users to clear their account balance before deletion, we aim to prevent any outstanding financial issues and ensure a smooth transition for both the user and the platform.

How Does It Work?

Clear Your Account Balance: Before initiating the deletion process, users must ensure that their account balance is at zero by starting a withdrawal within the settings page.

Navigate to the Deletion Page: Once the account balance is cleared, users can proceed to the deletion page within the settings page.

Contact Support

We understand that navigating account deletion processes can sometimes be confusing. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about clearing your account balance or deleting your KUARIO account, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at