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Fully compliant with the new EU payment services directive

Background & Licensing

We cover all major currencies in the world.

KUARIO offers her services globally. We cover all major currencies in the world.

With respect to PSD2, we’ve obtained a Payment Institution sub-license, under supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, as a duly registered Agent of Equals MoneySA which is a regulated Payment Institution in Belgium.
Our license is passported to all the 30 countries of the European Economic Area (EEA). Our sub-license allows us to offer regulated payment services under the EU Directive 2015/2366 (Payment Service Directive II).
However, we offer our services globally so our KUARIO services are not just limited to the EEA.


Regulated Payment Institution Agent

Thanks to our Payment Institution sub-license under regulatory supervision in Belgium, we are allowed to offer our services in the European market which is only allowed to be offered by licensed financial institutions.
This means that we are able to present you with the following regulated payment services:
● fund collection and settlement
● executing payment transactions (including credit transfers and direct debits through payment cards or other KUARIO devices)
● credit card processing
● operating a multi-currency payment account (IBAN)
● issuing and/or acquiring payment transactions and financial contracting


Your funds are safeguarded on a trusted escrow account

Oonex Payment Institution in Belgium, who has granted the Agent sub-license to us, takes the financial and regulatory liability for the activities operated by us in the European market. The member regulated in Europe in the Sponsoring Payment Institution is obligated to ‘safeguard’ your (KUARIO’s partner’s) funds on a segregated payment account. This means that when we deliver ‘regulated payment services’ to you, the transactions will be cleared and settled from a dedicated account where your (and/or your merchants) funds are always protected.

This dedicated account is with a Tier 1 bank in Belgium, under supervision by the National Bank of Belgium. We make sure that your funds are safeguarded on a trusted account.